Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tully, Mission Beach

It must have been all the rain in Aerlie Beach that had me in bad form. Queenslanders aren't a bad aul sort although the majority of hostel owners are thieving gypsies. The hostel banana barracks in Tully is a dive and they do have the fruitpickers there over a barrel as it's the only backpackers in the town. The backpackers who want to stay on do this as if you work for a 3 month stint on a farm you get another year on your visa. Having said that we were delighted to have it to go for a drink as the other bar in the town in the Hotel Tully was closing as 7.22 PM. The next day we were doing the white water rafting with Raging Thunder. This was excellent. Any of the lads reading this will be pleased to know that I managed to stay in the boat but just about. I half fell out but managed to hold onto the ropes. John Tobin has my other fallout on general release as I assume most of you have seen. They've stopped doing DVDs so you'll have to depend on my own version of events. We went back to Mission Beach after this and we're still there but are due to leave for Cairns this evening.

I couldn't see anything about the croc in Mission beach but I came across this. Gives a new meaning to Water hazards:
"A CROCODILE that has taken a preferred lie in a water hazard on The Willows Golf Club course at Townsville in north Queensland golf course is to be allowed to stay. The metre-long freshwater crocodile was found following recent floods in a lake on the 14th hole at the Willows Golf Club at Kirwan, near Townsville. As he poses no threat, Queensland Parks and Wildlife decided he could stay until he chooses to move."

Here's a story about the yacht that was wrecked on Aerlie beach:

We had trouble getting up from Aerlie to Tully and there were no buses operating due to the floods one of the days. When we did get up we couldn't see what the fuss was all about. An area Mackay further south was declared a natural disaster zone though. See:

Here's some pictures anyway:
Whitsundays, Tully, Mission Beach

I'll have to get some cheerier news for next time. It's starting to sound liker naturaldisasters.com.

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